Organize Yourself

Making a strategy for what you're going to do and when you're going to do it will keep you - literally - ahead of the curve.

Don't Try to Multitask

According to research, multitasking is physiologically impossible.

Separate It

To begin with, studying isn't pleasant, and putting oneself through a study marathon will just make it worse. Divide your work into small portions and reward yourself after you complete each one will make studying (more) enjoyable.


Don't underestimate the value of eight hours of sleep every night! A good night's sleep can help you focus and boost your working memory.

Make a Schedule

Do you work best immediately after school or after dinner?

Take Notes

Taking notes not only keeps you more interested in the class but also helps you narrow down what you need to study when test time comes. Rereading your notes is far easier than rereading the entire textbook!


This may seem apparent, but did you realize there is a proper and incorrect method to study? Review your content many days in advance, in little pieces, and in various ways (for example, write flashcards one day and take practice tests the next). In other words, avoid cramming.

Manage Your Study Area

Find a location that will enhance your productivity. Look for locations distant from the television and other sources of distraction.

Ask Questions

You're here to learn, so don't be hesitant to do so! Asking for assistance, whether from a teacher, a tutor, or your friends, is a certain approach to ensure that you fully understand the subject.