There is nothing simpler in life than mindlessly following the herd and not having to think about whether the route you are on is right or incorrect since it has already been tried so many times by people before you that you can be practically certain you will accomplish something if you continue on it. However, having an independent viewpoint from that of others has its own advantages.

First and foremost, a vision gives you a purpose and makes your efforts appear important since you know precisely where you're headed with whatever you're doing. Otherwise, you would never appreciate how far you have come and how far you still have to go, despite your considerable efforts. This may cause you to lose interest in your attempt, and you may finally quit up. But when you have a clear objective, you seldom lose drive. You always have a path to follow and a benchmark to gauge your progress.

Second, when you have a vision, you seek out your own answers anytime you get stuck. It makes you smarter each time and has a really great effect on your personality. Your feeling of responsibility and degree of maturity increase. If you lack a vision, you will seldom find the guts and motivation to attempt to conquer your challenges. Most of the time, you will find yourself blaming chance or other similar variables, despite the fact that you do not like to do so.

Lastly, but certainly not least, your vision determines who you are and what you deserve in life. It empowers you to not settle for less. When you recognize your own value, you understand what you are really capable of and where you truly belong. Conversely, if you lack a vision, you may lose out on a lot of possibilities since you may end yourself following others who are not even half as brilliant as you. You can only envision the possible outcomes of your life.

This is your one and only opportunity to accomplish your deepest desires. You may choose to live in fear and continue to lead a life of mediocrity, or you can learn to let go of safe routes and live the life you were meant to live. The decision is yours!