India is an ancient civilization, yet it is today a developing country. It has made significant advances in a variety of fields.


India is completely located in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Indian mainland stretches between latitudes and longitudes.

The Tropic of Cancer splits India into two almost equal sections.

India also includes the island groups of Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar.


With a total size of 3.28 million square kilometers, India accounts for 2.4 percent of the world's total geographical area.

India is the world's seventh biggest country, with a land boundary of around 15,200 km and a total coastline length of 7,516.6 km.

The east-west expanse of India looks to be less than the north-south extent.

The latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India is around 30 degrees.

The standard time in India is based on the 82.30 degrees E meridian, which passes near Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh.

The length of the day and night is affected by latitude.

India and the World

The Indian subcontinent is situated between West and East Asia.

The trans-Indian ocean routes connect nations in the west and east.

The protruding Deccan Peninsula of India helped India in establishing strong links with West Asia, Africa, and Europe, as well as Southeast and East Asia.

India's contacts with the rest of the world much outnumber her marine contacts.

India is the only country with an ocean named after it.

India has made significant contributions to the world in the shape of ideas, philosophies (Upanishads, Ramayana, Panchtantra), and mathematics (Indian numerals and decimal system).

In exchange, Greek sculpture and West Asian architectural traditions inspired Indian architecture.

India’s Neighbours

India is a major power in South Asia, with 29 states and seven union territories.

India borders Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Bhutan.

The southern neighbors across the sea are two island nations, the Maldives and Sri Lanka.

The Pak Strait, a thin stretch of sea, separates Sri Lanka from India.

India has always maintained close geographical and historical ties with its neighbors.

India is separate from the rest of Asia.