This is a summary of "The Snake and the Mirror," a story within a story. In this story, the author tells us a story that he himself heard from a doctor who uses homeopathy. The snake and the mirror are also important parts of this story. In this story, a doctor also thinks back to a day when he was young and single. On a hot summer night, the doctor goes to his room and thinks for a while. In the middle of it, a snake fell on the doctor. The doctor was shocked, but the snake soon saw itself in a nearby mirror and moved toward the doctor. It looks like the snake was more interested in looking at himself than in the doctor. The doctor's life was saved because of this.

The Snake and the Mirror Summary in English

This story is about a homeopathic doctor who was just starting out. This story is told by the doctor himself. He tells this story to some other people. In this story, the doctor tells us he lived in a small rented room during that time.

Also, the room's tiles were held up by gables, which were in turn held up by the beam. Also, there were rats everywhere in the room, and there was no electricity. Because of this, the room was in bad shape.

In the story told by the doctors, it was night, and it was summer. After finishing his meal at a restaurant, the doctor went back to his room. Because there was no electricity, the room was very dark. In order to light up his room, the doctor used a kerosene lamp. He took off his coat and shirt, too.

In the room, there were two windows that he opened. After sitting down, the doctor picked up a book about medicine to read. A big mirror and a lamp were on the table.

Because it was so hot in the summer, the doctor couldn't sleep. So, he started looking at himself in the mirror and got lost in his own beauty. Also, while he was looking at himself, he felt like he could look better. Slowly, his thoughts moved from admiring himself to thinking about getting married. The doctor thought about getting married to a rich and fat doctor.

The doctor didn't pay much attention when there was a sudden silence and the rats stopped running around. Also, there was a sound like something falling, but the doctor didn't move quickly enough. By the time he looked, a snake was moving around on the chair's back.

Soon, the snake curled up on the doctor's left arm. It was only a few inches from his face. So, the doctor went into a deep state of shock and stood still. At that moment, the doctor could feel God's presence. It seems like this snake was God's way of punishing the doctor for being too proud. Soon, he realized that he was just a person and that he shouldn't boast.

When the snake realized what he was really worth, it left the doctor and went to the mirror. So, the doctor was able to sneak away without being seen, and his life was saved. After the doctor finished his story, some people who were interested asked him some questions about it.