The little girl is the main character of the story, whose name is Kezia, as the title suggests. Also, the main idea of the story is how parents and children interact with each other. Also, Katherine Mansfield wants us to know that the love between a child and his or her parents is very strong. Even though young children don't feel that their parents love and care for them because they are strict, and many of their parents' actions seem unfair to them, their parents do love and care for them. Also, when kids get older, they realize that everything their parents did was good for them. Also, their parents were worried about them the whole time, and behind their strictness is a heart full of love for them. The most important thing that the little girl summary has shown is how much love there is between parents and their children.

The Little Girl Summary in English

A little girl named Kezia lived in the story. Her father, mother, and grandmother all live with her. She was also afraid of her father and always tried to stay away from him. Also, she feels better when she sees her father leave for work.

She was so afraid of her father that she talked quietly around him because she thought he was rude, critical, and harsh. Also, her grandmother wanted her to know her parents better, so she would tell her to go to the living room and talk to them. Again, she finds that they are cold to her.

So, one day, her grandmother told Kezia that she should make a pin cushion for her dad's birthday.

So, Kezia sews the three sides of the pincushion's case together. But then she needs to put something inside the cushion. So, she goes to her mother's room 6 number and looks at the bedside table. She finds a lot of fine paper there.

Then she tore the paper into small pieces, put them in the pincushion, and stitched up the fourth side. But she doesn't know that those papers have a very important speech her father gave to the Port Authority. Even though she knows she was wrong and tries to explain why she does it.

But her father was too angry to hear her, so he hit her palm with a ruler as a punishment. Even though she knew she had done wrong, she didn't understand why she had to pay for it. She asked in a terrible way, "Why did God make father?"

Most importantly, she saw Mr. McDonald playing with her five kids, laughing and having fun with them one evening. This event showed Kezia that not all dads are the same. She came to the conclusion that some fathers are kind and caring like Mr. McDonald, while others are harsh like her own.

But she changed the way she felt about her father. Her mother will need to go to the hospital one day, and her grandmother will go with her. So, Kezia and the cook were alone in the house. The day went well, but the night was a problem. She had a terrible dream that woke her up in the middle of the night, making her scream and cry. When Kezia opened her eyes, her father was right next to her. Her father took her to his bedroom and put her on his bed, making sure she was comfortable and warm. Also, her father told her to warm her feet by rubbing them on his legs. She feels safe and at ease when she spends the night with him.

After that, she realized that her father wasn't a bad person. And in his own way, he loves and cares for her. He also had to work all day to take care of his family and was too tired to play with her in the evening.