India ranks ninth in the world and fourth in Asia in terms of plant variety, with approximately 47,000 species. It has 15000 plants or 6% of all flowering plants on the planet.

India is one of the world's twelve mega biodiversity countries.

In its fresh and salt water, India boasts 89,000 animal species and a diverse range of fish.

Natural vegetation is a plant community that grows naturally without human intervention and is not disturbed by people for an extended period of time.

Flora refers to plants, whereas fauna refers to animal species found in a certain location.

Virgin vegetation is natural flora that has been kept undisturbed by humans for an extended period of time.

Endangered plants are those that are indigenous to India while exotic plants are those that have arrived from outside.

The following factors influence a region's flora and fauna.


The type of vegetation is influenced by the nature of the land. It consists of mountains, plains, and plateaus, as well as dry and wet areas.

Different types of soils support various types of plants. Sandy, deltaic, and other types of soils support a variety of vegetation.


The three climatic elements that govern natural vegetation are temperature, photoperiod, and precipitation.

Temperature, humidity in the air, precipitation, and soil all influence the nature and spread of vegetation. Temperature-dependent vegetation types range from tropical to subtropical to alpine.

The length of time that plants are exposed to sunlight varies, resulting in varied rates of growth. Trees grow quicker in the summer because of the greater period of sunlight.

When compared to other places with less rainfall, locations with strong rainfall have more thick vegetation.

Forests are renewable resources that contribute significantly to environmental quality. They influence local temperature, manage soil erosion, regulate stream flow, and provide a source of income for many communities.

It regulates wind speed and temperature, as well as causes rainfall.

Human habitation has altered, replaced, or deteriorated the vegetation in most sections of India.


Humans are an essential component of ecology.

Human greed leads to resource overutilization.

A biome is a huge terrestrial environment with diverse types of flora and animal life.

Types of Vegetation

Tropical Rainforests, Tropical Deciduous Forests, Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs, Montane Forests, and Mangrove Forests are the most common forms of vegetation in India.

Tropical Rainforests have rich trees, bushes, and creepers due to their warm and moist temperature all year. More than 200 cm of rain has fallen.

They are only found in the Western Ghats and island groupings, as well as the higher sections of Assam and Tamil Nadu.

The rainforests are home to a diverse range of species.

The Tropical Deciduous Forests, which cover the majority of India, are also known as Monsoon Forests. Rainfall amounts vary from 200 to 70 cm.

These woods are further classified into wet and dry deciduous forests based on the availability of water.

These are found in northeastern states, the Himalayan foothills, Jharkhand, West Orissa, and Chhattisgarh, and the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats.

Lions, tigers, pigs, deer, elephants, and a variety of birds and reptiles may all be found here.

Thorn Forests and Scrubs feature dense and tiny leaves that limit evaporation and succulent stems that preserve water. Rainfall is expected to be less than 70 cm.

These forests may be found in the country's northwest and semi-arid regions of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana.

Rats, mice, rabbits, foxes, wolves, tigers, and lions are common.

Montane woods contain natural vegetation belts that follow the same pattern as the tropics of the Tundra region.

Wet temperate forests are found between 1000 and 2000 meters in elevation, whereas temperate grasslands are found above 3600 meters and give place to alpine vegetation.

Temperate woods and meadows give place to alpine vegetation about 3600 meters above sea level.

Mangrove tidal forests can be found along tide-influenced beaches.

The most prevalent type of mangrove is dense mangrove, with plant roots immersed underwater.

Such vegetation may be found in the delta zones of large rivers.

The Royal Bengal Tiger is a well-known animal in these forests.

India is home to around 1200 bird species, 2500 fish species, and 5 to 8% of the world's amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.

India is the only country in the world where both tigers and lions may be found.

The Himalayas are home to a diverse assortment of species that can withstand the harsh cold.

Because every animal species plays an important function in the environment, conservation is critical.

Animal species are threatened by hunting and pollution.

The government has taken several initiatives to conserve the country's flora and fauna.

The nation has fourteen biosphere reserves to conserve its flora and fauna.

To protect natural heritage, 89 National Parks, 49 Wildlife Sanctuaries, and Biosphere Reserves have been established.